Student Support and Safety
The New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) provides a range of services to ensure that students are fully supported, in and out of the classroom. We also offer a variety of activities that take place outside of school hours, giving students constructive places to develop new skills and engage in their communities.
Non-Academic Supports
Get information about a wide range of non-academic supports for your child. Student health, school food, alternative schools, transportation, and other supports are available.
Counseling Support Programs
Through Counseling Support Programs, schools provide a range of student support services. School counselors work in collaboration with the entire school community and are committed to the education and emotional development of all students. Services provided address academic, personal/social, and career/post-secondary development.
Student Attendance
School attendance is not just required by law, it is critical to students’ success in school and life. Learn about maintaining good attendance for your child. Get military opt-out letters and working papers.
Safety and Discipline
The New York City Department of Education is committed to ensuring that our schools provide a safe and orderly environment in which teaching and learning take place each day. Safe, supportive school environments depend on students, staff and parents demonstrating mutual respect. Click here to access the NYC Department of Education Discipline Code.