Health, Arts, Robotics and Technology High School Home

About Us

​Welcome to H.A.R.T.'s high school. ​We are a Future Ready small school community. Our collaborative guidance approach ensures personalized attention to address each student’s individual needs. In addition, our data systems regularly monitor student progress and achievement to ensure students remain on track throughout their high school career. As a result, our students are academically prepared and challenged for the future. In our college bound culture, students thrive in the safe and secure learning environment which focuses on developing 21st Century leaders.


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At a glance

  • 2023: 607 + Enrollment Rate
  • 96% Graduation Rate
  • 97% College Acceptance
  • 10 Advanced Placement Class Offerings
  • Future Ready School Technology-Software Developer
    Healthcare-Diagnostic Medicine
  • 4 CTE Programs Visual Arts
    Cosmetology & Business Management
    Medical Assistant
    Robotics & Drone Engineering
  • 25 Student Interest & Academic Clubs
  • 100% of families feel the Principal works to create a sense of community
  • 99% of families say that staff works hard to build trusting relationships
  • 99% of families say that staff regularly communicates with them about learning

Photo Gallery

Students watching the solar eclipse
Students at a basketball game
Students at HART high school
Teachers at HART